The Biggest Advantages to Having Your Own Dive Gear

The Biggest Advantages to Having Your Own Dive Gear

When the ocean calls, you must go. And if you’re a scuba diver, you feel that pull even more. But there’s a catch — what about equipment? Renting is always an option, but that can be a big expense. Buying your own dive gear might seem unnecessary, but there are a few key reasons that it’s totally worth the investment.



Fit and comfort may not be the most important reasons, but they’re definitely worth considering. Rental gear is designed to fit a broad range of body types, but buying your own allows you to pick equipment that fits your body better and doesn’t require tons of adjustment. This is especially important for your wetsuit, BCD and mask. If these items leak, rub the wrong way or simply feel too bulky or awkward, they can turn a great dive into a mediocre one.



There’s a reason you have to be certified to scuba dive — it can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Plenty of recreational divers use rental gear regularly, but having your own ensures you know all the kinks and quirks of the equipment you’re using. It eliminates the need to get used to your gear and minimizes the time you spend doing pre-dive checks. Using personal equipment takes a lot of anxiety off your shoulders so you can enjoy yourself more.



When you rent gear, your only options are what they have available. But when you buy your own, you have an incredibly vast array of options at your disposal. This is especially helpful when it comes to specialized items that might be to your benefit but not readily available in a standard dive shop. Masks with prescription lenses, extra-thick wetsuits or modified gear for disabled persons are all examples of items that you might not find for rent.


More Diving

If the last three reasons haven’t convinced you yet, this one knocks it out of the park. It’s inevitable: if you have your own dive equipment, you’ll dive more. You have everything you need at your disposal, making it so much easier to take spontaneous trips to the water or jump on an offer from a friend.


Most divers who buy their own equipment do so after they’ve spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on rental equipment over the years. But this is a costly price for convenience. Instead, invest in quality gear up front. It saves money in the long run and makes your diving experience safer and more enjoyable overall.



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