4 Amazing Places to Freedive

4 Amazing Places to Freedive

While diving is generally an incredible experience, freediving adds a layer of thrill and excitement that you just can't get with a tank on your back. The feeling of freedom you get from exploring the underwater world with your only restrictions being your own body is indescribable. The difficulty, of course, is that freediving often limits your depth and duration. Luckily, we've curated a list of four incredible underwater destinations that are perfect for freedivers. From wrecks to sinkholes and everything in between, you'll be ready to hop on the next plane you see with your snorkel in hand.


USS Kittiwake

USS Kittiwake

Located in Grand Cayman, the 1940s submarine rescue ship sits at just 60 feet below the surface. Now one of the most popular destinations for divers around the globe, the Kittiwake once spent 49 years of service undertaking salvage and rescue missions, one of which was the recovery of the black box from the crash of the Challenger space shuttle. The ship is now cleaned out, with doors removed and large holes cut into its hull to make it more diver-friendly. With its highest point just 15 feet below the water’s surface, it makes an incredible location for freedivers and snorkelers.




If wildlife is what calls you to the sea, Antarctica is the perfect location for cold-water freediving. Unlike the creatures in tropical locations, arctic animals aren’t used to the bombardment of humans, so they’re much more curious and easier to interact with. Freedivers especially benefit the location, because their ability to move through the water discreetly allows large animals to get close without being scared off.


Dean's blue hole

Dean’s Blue Hole

This underwater sinkhole is located on Long Island in the Bahamas. Its unique formation makes it completely unaffected by topside weather conditions, and many have compared it to a hot yoga studio. While a storm could be ranging above the surface, this hidden enclave maintains a warm 79-degree Fahrenheit temperature and no waves or currents. The turquoise blue water, calm waters and natural light makes the dive “like being in a cathedral,” according to competitive freediver Georgina Miller.


Riviera maya

Riviera Maya

The cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula make for a freediving experience unlike any other. Formed by the collapse of limestone bedrock, these natural caves create incredible underwater pools with natural beams of light, underwater trees and dramatic landscapes reminiscent of a foggy forest. Plus, the fresh water creates a negative buoyancy, giving you a quicker freefall. Not only is this location an incredible choice for freedivers, but underwater photographers will bask in the changing light and strange, spooky views.

Our world is full of vast and unique experiences, many of them under the water’s surface. These locations are just a few of the beautiful, unique locations that are ideal for your freediving adventures. Where are your favorite freediving destinations? Let us know in the comments below!



Credit: Photo by Oregon State UniversityAndy Blackledge and dronepicr on Flickr & Igor Liberti (self published) CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons &  Marco Assmann on Unsplash


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