10 Fantastic Roller Skating Fitness Facts

10 Fantastic Roller Skating Fitness Facts

We all know that roller skating is a blast. Whether you’re at the rink or on the street, the thrill you get from speeding through the crowds is undeniable. But did you know you’re also getting in a crazy-good workout? In case you need another reason to strap on your skates, here are 10 incredible fitness facts about roller skating to get you moving.

  • It aids in losing weight. Skating for just one hour at 10 miles per hour burns up to 600 calories. In comparison, jogging at a 15-minute-per-mile pace burns 400 calories in 1 hour.
  • It builds muscle. Roller skating isn’t just cardiovascular. It also builds muscle in your glutes, quads, abdominals, calves and even your arms.
  • It’s better for your joints. Roller skating causes 50 percent less stress on your joints than running. This is because it’s a fluid motion with less jerky, hard stops. It’s a great choice of sport for individuals who have weaker knees (plus, it’ll work on strengthening them!).
  • It helps improve your balance. Skating does a lot to help strengthen your core, which is the main muscle group that is needed for good balance. Roller skating on a regular basis can help to build these muscles and improve your balance on and off the rink.
  • It can help control diabetes. With benefits like insulin control, lower blood glucose levels and better cholesterol levels, some studies suggest that it can even help to prevent the onset of the disease later in life.
  • It helps regulate your mood. Roller skating increases endorphin release, helping to clear the mind, minimize depressive feelings and improve concentration. It’s the perfect activity to help you relax and reset.
  • It reduces stress. Roller skating as an aerobic exercise has shown to reduce stress levels and improve focus. Find a scenic spot to skate, like near a park or along the boardwalk, and give yourself some alone time to process your thoughts in a peaceful environment.
  • It works out your heart. Your heart needs a good workout just like every other muscle in your body! A study conducted by the University of Konstanz in Germany found that moderate roller skating can increase your heartbeat to 140-160 beats per minute, which helps to improve your heart’s strength and endurance.
  • It’s way safer than other aerobic exercises. According to the Roller Skating Association International, roller skating for exercise is five times safer than cycling, 4 times safer than basketball, and 3 times safer than football or baseball.
  • It’s social! This may not seem like a fitness benefit, but your social health can be just as important as your physical health. Take some time to nourish relationships and hit the rink with your friends!


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